Professor Yusra Mouzughi Leads the Royal University for Women as the University’s President

18,May 2021
The Royal University for Women (RUW), the leading university dedicated to women empowerment and advancement through higher education in the Kingdom of Bahrain, welcomed Professor Yusra Mouzughi as the university’s leading president effective of May 2021. The university’s management represented by the Board of Trustees, faculty and student body congratulated Professor Mouzughi and wished her great success and luck for leading the Royal University for Women and continuing achieving the milestones and advancing the higher education process in the kingdom of Bahrain through RUW mission and vision.
Prof Mouzughi, who is distinguished for her academic leadership with over 20 years of experience in the higher education context and over 5 years of industry experience in large blue-chip organisations. She has a proven track record of delivering strategic objectives and a passion for providing a quality educational offering that is relevant to the workplace. Professor Mouzughi is a committed individual with a unique understanding of both Western and Arab cultures and an ability to motivate staff and students incorporating a deep understanding of the links between industry and academia, coupled with a natural personal presence and an articulate approach to negotiation.
Educated in the UK, Professor Mouzughi has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Richmond College London, an MBA from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh and a PhD in Knowledge Management from Liverpool John Moores University, where she continues to act as a Visiting Professor. She built her academic career in the UK where she worked for more than 14 years developing expertise in education management with a particular focus on Doctoral programmes. She has established a cross-disciplinary research profile spanning knowledge sharing and the sustainability agenda. Professor Mouzughi has supervised many Doctoral and Master’s theses in the broad management area, has numerous publications in the field and is an invited keynote speaker at many international conferences.
Professor Mouzughi is also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of multiple international Boards and committees dedicated to advancing learning, teaching and research in higher education. These include the UK Quality Assurance Agency, (QAA), the Oman Research Council (TRC), the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA). Further, she is on the editorial board and a reviewer for several academic journals.
Prior to taking up the role as President of the Royal University for Women, Professor Mouzughi was the Vice-Chancellor and acting Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs at Muscat University for over 5 years. Notably, she was also the first female head of a University in Oman.
Commenting on her joining RUW, Professor Yusra Mouzughi stated that “Royal University for Women is one of the top professional opportunities in the higher on a regional and international basis. This is clearly reflected in the university’s vision and mission and through its strong fundamentals of accreditations and recognitions of other countries. For this, we will have an innovative approach in leading such a university that exemplifies excellence and we look forward to advancing and fulfil the objectives and mission of RUW under the guidance of the Higher Education Council, in which we join hands to utilise the opportunities to excel and address the challenges to accomplish, with the support of the university’s management and body which we highly value their leadership and assistance”.